Professional Coaching for doing Life & Business
“Perspective” says what I want to stand for. I want to help people gain perspective and get the best out of themselves, their situations and their teams. I will do this by getting you off “the treadmill” and helping you view and review where you are, versus where you want to be.
The mere fact you make an appointment to get away and discuss this stuff ensures that you will see things differently! This different perspective, along with some questioning and nudging by me can be a powerful clarifying, motivating experience!
YOU are the expert in your field! I will just help you clarify and create a plan of how you or your team get where you want to go - what needs to change, improve, reduce, increase...??? And I will hold you accountable for doing what you said you would do.
"Do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, do better"
Maya Angelou
Shayne O'Connor
Qualified Professional Coach
Like many of the people I coach, I have been in the position to question how or what I was doing. Was I being productive? Was I making the right decisions for my business or my career? Was I enjoying my work/life? Was I getting the best out of myself and the people around me, and what would I do if not this?
Over the years I have been many things; a Professional Cricketer, Business Owner, Operations and General Manager, even Otago Rugby Team Manager. I have a wonderful wife and together we have 4 fantastic children. Now I have found my niche as a Professional Coach.
I enjoy being the listener in conversations, hearing the challenges people face, helping them clarify and understand where they are now, what they want or need, then nudge them to create solutions and move towards their goals.
I am experienced working with and managing people in various environments from elite sport to business, and life in general. I have a pragmatic approach and I've helped many people overcome their doubts, struggles, ambitions, and goals; they have clearer direction and they're achieving the things they want or need to.

Flexible Coaching Packages and Workshops

“Making time to review things away from the usual pressures, creates a better perspective of how you're tracking.”
Quinton – Quantity Surveyor
My professional and personal life had both become very demanding and busy. As a result of this I started losing direction and control of my professional life which in turn also affected my life generally.
Shayne is an awesome coach. He is understanding, realistic and easy to talk to. I found being coached by him enabled me to step back from myself and see my day to day moves and thoughts in a different light, professionally and personally, and where I could take action.
Being coached by Shayne allowed me to learn new techniques and tools to help me deal with pressure, anxiety and stress in every part of life. This was invaluable, and I would fully recommend Shayne to anyone.